G-AMUK - de Havilland Heron
G-AMYU - de Havilland Heron 1B
Notes for G-AMYU c/n 14017
Operator: Jersey Airlines
G-ANCI - de Havilland Heron
Notes for G-ANCI "The Commander"
Operator: Dragon Airways
Operator: Dan Air London
Operator: Mercury Airlines
Operator: South Coast Air Services
G-ANFE - de Havilland Heron
G-ANLN - de Havilland Heron
Operator: ex Jersey Airways
G-ANNO - de Havilland Heron
Notes for G-ANNO c/n 14049
Operator: Fairflight
Operator: McDonald Aviation
G-ANOL - de Havilland Heron 2
Notes for G-ANOL c/n 14052 "Excalibur"
Operator: Bahamas Airways
G-ANPV - de Havilland Heron 2D
Notes for G-ANPV c/n 14098
Operator: Private
G-ANSZ - de Havilland Heron 1B
Operator: Jersey Airlines
Operator: Private
G-ANUO - de Havilland Heron 2
Operator: Shell
Operator: Top Flight
G-ANWZ - de Havilland Heron
Notes for G-ANWZ "Duchess of Sark"
Operator: British United Airways
Operator: Jersey Airlines
Operator: Morton Air Services London
Operator: British United Island Airways
G-ANXA - de Havilland Heron 1B
Notes for G-ANXA "Sister Jean Kennedy"
Operator: BEA
G-ANXB - de Havilland Heron 1B
Notes for G-ANXB "Sir James Simpson" c/n 14048
Operator: BEAC
Operator: BEA
G-AODY - de Havilland Heron 2
Notes for G-AODY "Progressive"
Operator: Progressive Airways
G-ALZL - de Havilland Heron
Notes for G-ALZL "Duchess of Paris"
Operator: Jersey Airlines
VT-DHE - de Havilland Heron
Operator: Indian Airlines
VT-DHH - de Havilland Heron
VR-NAW - de Havilland Heron
Notes for VR-NAW RMA Ikeji
Operator: Nigerian Airways
VR-NCE - de Havilland Heron
Operator: West African Airways
VR-NAQ - de Havilland Heron