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Photos from box 'Grumman'
G-ASXG - Grumman Goose
Notes for G-ASXG Owned by the Grosvenor estate.
Operator: Private
ZK-CDV - Grumman Mallard
Notes for ZK-CDV 'J-13'
Operator: Utah Williamson Burnett
JA5090 - Grumman Mallard
N10M - Grumman Mallard
Notes for N10M '518'
Operator: Detroit Steel Corp
N22DF - Grumman Mallard
N26DF - Grumman Mallard
N27DF - Grumman Mallard
N36DF - Grumman Mallard
N42DA - Grumman Mallard
Notes for N42DA "The Route of the Seagulls"
Operator: CAT - California Amphibious Transport
N121SP - Grumman Mallard
N123DF - Grumman Mallard
Notes for N123DF "City of Nassau"
Operator: Chalk's International
N168W - Grumman Mallard
N1208 - Grumman Mallard
Notes for N1208 'J.44'
Operator: Wien Air Alaska
N2442H - Grumman Mallard
Operator: Chalk's International
N2940 - Grumman Mallard
N2945 - Grumman Mallard
N2947 - Grumman Mallard
N2948 - Grumman Mallard
Notes for N2948 "Texaco 64"
Operator: The Texaco Co
N2954 - Grumman Mallard
Notes for N2954 'J14'
Operator: The Packer Corporation
N2962 - Grumman Mallard
Notes for N2962 'J.22'
Operator: Unknown
N2964 - Grumman Mallard
N2966 - Grumman Mallard
N2970 - Grumman Mallard
Operator: Chalk's International
N2974 - Grumman Mallard
Notes for N2974 Turbo-Prop
Operator: Unknown
Operator: Chalk's International
N2977 - Grumman Mallard
N2978 - Grumman Mallard
N2979 - Grumman Mallard
Notes for N2979 "Dancing Pack"
NX700H - Grumman Bearcat
Notes for NX700H 'S - 100'
Operator: Private